Monday, September 9, 2024

Summer Story Week #6


Step #2 ~ Obon Vocabulary Review

Alright now….

1.     A quick vocabulary check….

#1, #2, & #3, please

#1 ~ “Watashi wa modotte kimasu” ~ I’ll be back

#2 ~ “Sugu ni modorimasu” ~ #1 ~ I’ll be back shortly

                                              #2 ~ I’ll be back in a jiffy

I’ll be right back

I’ll be back soon

#3 ~ “Raishuu no mokuyoubi made ni modotte kuru deshou ka?” ~

*Will we be back by next Thursday

(If needed: Please make a note)


One second…

What do you think?

2.     What DOES in a Jiffymean in Japanese?

   *It means


Alright and…

If we take a look….

1.     What IS it really in Japanese?

#1 ~ “ima sugu” ~ in a jiffy


4.     Or…..

#1 ~ “atto iu mani” ~ in a jiffy


Sounds good now…

What DID she say?

5.     When WILL she be back?

#1 ~ She will

*She will be back in an hour


Sounds good now…

For the next one…we have 2 women and..

6.     When WILL they be back?

#2 ~ They will

*They will be back in a jiffy



Alright now….

7.     A quick vocabulary check….

#4, #5, #6, & #7, please

#4 ~ “yurusu” ~ permit ~ permitted

#5 ~ “kyokashou” ~ a permit

#6 ~ “kyoka” ~ permission

#7 ~ “Iku no ni kyoka ga hitsuyō desu ka?” ~

*Do I need permission to go?

*Do I need to get permission to go?

(If needed: Please make a note)


Alright now…

Before kids go on a school trip…

8.     What DO their parents need to fill out?

*They need to fill out a permission form


Sounds good now…

How about the next 2….

10.#8, & #9, please

#8 ~ “kinshi suru” ~ forbid ~ forbade

#9 ~ “Kare ni au no o kinjimasu” ~

*I forbid you to see him anymore

*I forbid you to meet him anymore

(If needed:  Please make a note)


Alright now…

The next 5 made” expressions…

12.#10, #11, #12, #13, & #14, please

#10 ~ “~de dekiteiru” ~ made of

#11 ~ “~kara dekiteiru” ~ made from

#12 ~ “~de dekiteiru….zairyou” ~ made with

(If needed:  Please make a note)


Alright now…

Please turn your papers over and…

#13 ~ “bashou de tsukurareteiru” ~ made in

#14 ~ “~de dekiteiru” ~ made out of

(Made out of ~ is used when creating something new using something that was originally intended for a different purpose.)

(If needed:  Please make a note)


Sounds good now…

Do you remember these ones?

16.#15, & #16, please

#15 ~ “zutto ~wo kangaeteiru”

*~ is on my mind?

*always thinking about ~

#16 ~ “Nani kangaeteiru no? / Doushita no?”

*What’s on your mind?

*What’s are you thinking about?

(If needed: Please make a note)


Sounds good now…

The next 2, please….

17.#17, & #18, please

#17 ~ “Kangaeteiru koto ga takusan aru”

*I have a lot on my mind

*I have got a lot on my mind

*I have a lot of things on my mind

*I have many things on my mind

*There are a lot of things on my mind

#18 ~ “Ki wo magirawasu” ~ #1 ~ take your mind off…

#2 ~ take your mind off something

take something off your mind

(If needed: Please make a note)

Sounds good now…

(Change video #33)


19.Please listen to all 5 of them one more time…

#1 ~ I will be back in an hour

I will be back in a jiffy

I will be back in a jiffy

#2 ~ I don’t need your permission, you know

#3 ~ I forbid you to go

#4 ~ It is made out of soy sauce

It is made out of toilet paper rolls, toothpicks, and plastic forks

#5 ~ I know you have a lot on your mind



Sounds good now…

(Change picture #34)

How about these ones…

20.#19, #20, & #21, please

#19 ~ “gyakutai” ~ (s) abuse

#20 ~ “gyakutaisuru” ~ (z) abuse ~ abused

#21 ~ “Kono gyakutaini mou taerarenai” ~

*I can’t take this abuse

*I can’t take this abuse anymore

(If needed: Please make a note)


Ok now….

21.#22, & #23, please

#22 ~ “Mou gaman dekinai” ~ I can’t stand it anymore

I can’t stand anymore

#23 ~ “Mou gaman dekinai” ~ I can’t take it anymore

I can’t take anymore

(If needed:  Please make a note)


Sounds good and…

(Change picture #36)

The last 2 are new….

22.Please read…. #24, & #25, please

#24 ~ “Mou gaman shinai yo” ~ We won’t stand for it anymore

#25 ~ “Mou ukeireraremasen” ~ We are not going to take it anymore!

We ain’t gonna take it anymore!

We’re not gonna take it anymore!

(If needed:  Please make a note)


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Summer Story Week #5

Obon Story 2024 ~ Week 5

Step #2 ~ Obon Vocabulary Review

Alright now….

A quick vocabulary check….

1.     #1, & #2, please

#1 ~ “yurusu” ~ forgive ~ forgave

#2 ~ “yurusu / kyoka suru” ~ allow ~ allowed

(If needed:  Please make a note)


Sounds good now…

When his boyfriend said that he wanted to break up…

2.     What DID he say to him?

#1 ~ He said

*I will never forgive you

*I will never forgive you for this

Sounds good…

3.     #3, & #4, please

#3 ~ “yurusu” ~ permit ~ permitted

#4 ~ “~saseru” ~ let

(If needed:  Please make a note)


Sounds good now…

Another quick check listening check….

4.     What DID the boys say to the girls?

#1 ~ They said

*Let me use your phone

Sounds good now…

We go back to the vocabulary check…and…

5.     #5, & #6, please

#5 ~ “kyokashou” ~ a permit

#6 ~ “Chūsha kyoka-shō o motte imasu” ~ I have a parking permit

(If needed:  Please make a note)


Sounds good now…

We take a look over here and…

When they were going to park…

6.     What DID he say to him?

#1 ~ He said

*Parking permitted any time after midnight


Sounds good now…

Another quick vocabulary check…

7.     #7, & #8, please

#7 ~ “kinshi suru” ~ forbid ~ forbade

#8 ~ “Anata ga konsāto ni iku no o kinjimasu” ~

*I forbid you to go to the concert

(If needed:  Please make a note)

Sounds good now…

Another quick listening check…

8.     What DID he say to her?

#1 ~ He said

#1 ~ I forbid you

#2 ~ I forbid youI forbid you to see him anymore

Oh!  OK!  Who the hell do you think you are, my father?

Sounds good now…

9.     The next 3 words, please…

10.#9, #10, & #11, please

#9 ~ “denwa wo kiru” ~ #1 ~ hang up ~ hung up

hang up the phone ~ hung up the phone

#10 ~ “kurakushon wo narasu” ~ honk the horn ~ honked the horn

#11 ~ “Aru wa kurakushon o narashite hajimete, `ugoke' to sakebi

dashita” ~

*Al started to honk his horn and shout “Move”

*Al started to honk the horn and shout “Move”

*Al started to honk his horn and shouted “Move”

(If needed:  Please make a note)


Sounds good now…

11.What DID he tell him to do?

#1 ~ tell + O + to + doushi

*He told him to honk the horn

*He told him to honk the horn in 4 minutes

Sounds good now…

The next 2 words, please…

13.#12, & #13, please….

#12 ~ “Mou gaman dekinai” ~ I can’t stand it anymore

#13 ~ “Mou gaman dekinai” ~ I can’t take it anymore

I can’t take anymore

(If needed:  Please make a note)


Sounds good now…

14.How about this one…

#1 ~ “gyakutai” ~ abuse


Summer Story Week #6

  Step # 2 ~ Obon Vocabulary Review Alright now…. 1.      A quick vocabulary check…. # 1 , # 2 , & # 3 , please # 1 ~ “Watash...